Electron beam irradiation enhanced extraction and antioxidant activity of active compounds in green walnut husk

Green walnut husk (GWH) contains abundant active compounds and is valued as a potential source of natural antioxidants. This study

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Efficient removal of plastic additives by sunlight active titanium dioxide decorated Cd-Mg ferrite nanocomposite: Green synthesis, kinetics and photoactivity

Large use of flame retardants or additives in plastic industries have caused scientific attention as their leaching from consumer products

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Effects of PHA665752 and vemurafenib combination treatment on in vitro and murine xenograft growth of human colorectal cancer cells with BRAFV600E mutations

It remains unknown whether blockade of B-Raf proto-oncogene, serine/threonine kinase (BRAF)V600E signaling and MET proto-oncogene, receptor tyrosine kinase (c-Met) signaling

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Safety, antiviral activity and pharmacokinetics of JNJ-64530440, a novel capsid assembly modulator, as 4 week monotherapy in treatment-naive patients with chronic hepatitis B virus infection

Objectives: We investigated JNJ-64530440 (a hepatitis B virus capsid assembly modulator) safety, antiviral activity and pharmacokinetics in patients with chronic

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SPECT-CT Imaging of Dog Spontaneous Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma Targeting CD22 for the Implementation of a Relevant Preclinical Model for Human.

Antibodies directed towards CD22 have been utilized in radioimmunotherapy (RIT) scientific trials to deal with sufferers with diffuse giant B-cell lymphoma

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